Assignment #8 – SeeClickFix Reflection


  • Think about the day you reported your issue to SeeClickFix. Describe whether or not you truly believed reporting the problem to SeeClickFix was going to help get the problem fixed.  Explain your answer thoroughly.
  • I believed that reporting the problem to SeeClickFix was going to help get the problem fixed because I seen other people getting their problems fixed in SeeClickFix, so I decided to do it as well.
  • Describe how you checked on whether or not the problem you reported had been fixed.  Describe how you and your classmates tracked the progress of the problems you reported.  Describe any changes that did or did not occur for your issue.



  • Yesterday I checked on weather it was fixed or not, but when I saw it, the SeeClickFix didn’t like fixed the problem that I reported. My classmates seen if their problem was Closed because when you see closed that means the SeeClickFix people fixed it, but when I seen mine it says “Acknowledged”, that means that it hasn’t been fixed yet. There were no changes that I reported because the SeeClickFix seen it but not fixed yet.




  • Describe what has happened with the problem you reported as of today.  Was the problem fixed? Explain why you think it was, or why you think it was not fixed.  Conclude by explaining what you think should happen next, and why.
  • The problem that I reported is still Acknowledged. No, the problem that I reported has not been fixed. I think that I was not fixed because in Oakland there is a lot of potholes and maybe SeeClickFix people doesn’t have much money to fix all of the pothole even mines. What I think should happen next is that the SeeClickFix should fix everything that is in Oakland because so Oakland could not have a problem.



Assignment #7 – SeeClickFix Prediction

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression?  Explain why, or why not.
  • I think SeeClickFix helps people in Oakland to resist oppression because SeeClickFix can fix like almost everything, people can use SeeClickFix if they see something that is making Oakland not a good place to be at, and I would say its really helpful in my opinion.
  • Explain the story of your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, and how).
  • What I took a picture of is a pothole. I took it at in the middle at 48th Avenue and Bond Street. I was in the car and I told my mom that I need to look for a pothole for my assignment, so she took me and we found one. I decided to take out my phone and take a picture and wrote down the Address too.
  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.
  • First you have to create and account to report your issue on SeeClickFix. Then you have to get your account verified so you can report your issue. So then you start to report your issue by putting the Address, paste your picture, answer questions, put description, and post.
  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.
  • I think that the City of Oakland will fix the problem that I reported because the City of Oakland should see the post that I posted in SeeClickFix, and the SeeClickFix always fix things to just to help out Oakland to be a better City.

Assignment #6

People in power use social systems of oppression to oppress those with different identities because they were comparing how much money do women/men make by their race, gender, and ethnicity. This document is about weekly earnings that women/men get. If you are a different race or sex you get different earnings. Men get paid more than women, as you can see in the graph. This document is a graph that gives information about how much salary men/women get by their race, sex, and ethnicity. It was created by the United States Department of Labor. It was created in 2009. This information is reliable because of the United States Department of Labor which is a government agency that keeps track of all the people working in that country based on their race, gender, and ethnicity. A quote from this document that describes a system of oppression is how “Asian men make $952 and Asian women make $779 this means that Asian men make more money than Asian women.” In my opinion, this quote part of that graph shows social systems of oppression because of the United States Department of Labor’s data is comparing the relationship between genders and Asian males make more money than females weekly and also comparing their relationships and connections depending on their gender identity.

Assignment #3 – The Identity Shadow Box

Click here to see a video


In Ethnic Studies class we studied different of identities like Race, Nationality, Ethnicity, Social Class, and Gender Identities. A dominant narrative is a story that people in a position of privilege tell about someone who is not. A counter narrative is a story or a perspective that people who are marginalized tell about themselves. I think that it is important to tell counter narratives about the many dominant narratives people say about my identity because I can’t just let people talk about my identity so I have to say something to them, so they can stop saying about dominant narratives about my identity.


The pictures that I placed on the outside of my shadow box are Nationality, the pictures that is in Nationality are in the Philippines people litter around, and these people help them to put it in the correct garbage, Gender , the pictures that is in Gender are this girl was saying to herself that she is not strong, and the quote says that girls are strong, and In Social Class the pictures are this person is just living in the streets, and the other picture is a person working every single day. A dominant narrative about my identity that is shown outside of the shadowbox is people litter and they put their trash in the streets. A counter narrative about my identity that is shown outside shadow box is people help them to put it on the correct trash, so they won’t litter no more. It might be important to me to respond to the dominant narrative that I described with a counter narrative because people might say something about you and you should respond to it.


What I placed inside the shadow box is rubik’s cube, jackstone, cross keychain, and family photos. The story behind a rubik’s cube is that I was watching videos about it and it seems interesting, so last year I got a prize which was a rubik’s cube. I started to search up how to solve a rubik’s cube, and I was thinking that is this impossible so solve?? For months and months I solved the 3×3 rubik’s cube. I was thinking to like challenge myself and remember all the steps and so I did that too! So right now I can solve the 3×3 and I can just solve it. The story behind jackstone is that I always play that when I was young and many Filipino people always play jackstone, so I play it too and it’s really a fun game to play! The persona artifacts or pictures on the inside of my shadow box reveal more about my identity than dominant narratives can because all of the artifacts are really important to me.



Shadow Box Quick Write


  • What do you predict will be the best part about making a shadow box about your identities? 
  •  The best part about making a shadow box about my identities is decorating my shadow box, and putting the dominant and counter narrative pictures in my shadow box.



  • What do you predict will be the most difficult part about putting together your identity shadow box?
  • The most difficult part about putting together my identity shadow box is deciding on what pictures on ethnicity, race, nationality, social class, gender identities should go in my shadow box.



  • Describe something you plan to place on the interior of your shadow box to describe your identity.  What makes that picture or artifact so special?
  • What will go inside of my shadow box will be pictures of my family or some other pictures that are important to me, a rubriks cube, cross keychain, and jackstone. The pictures or artifact so special to me because pictures are really important to me, the rubriks cube is important too because I know how to solve the 3×3 cube, cross keychain is important because I always have that with me, and jackstone is important to me because filipino plays that game so I play it too and its so awesome to play and its fun.



Assignment #2


  • What is the difference between a dominant narrative and a counter narrative? 
  • A dominant narrative is like a story that people in a position of privilege tell about someone who is not. 
  • A counter narrative is like a story or perspective that people who are marginalized tell about themselves.   
  • What is an example of a Stereotype?
  • An example of a Stereotype is like “Women are not Athletic”. This is an example of a stereotype because I know that all woman are athletic, but I am athletic too.
  • What does Nationality mean?
  • Nationality means of what country that you were born in.
  • What is a dominant narrative (or a stereotype) about YOUR nationality?
  • A stereotype about my nationality is that Filipinos are always late.
  • What is a counter narrative you could make in response?
  • A counter narrative that I could respond is that I am a Filipino and I am not always late to class.



Assignment #1


  • What picture did you choose to show something that is an ASSIGNED IDENTITY?
  • The picture that I choose for Assigned Identity is where you born, which is the Philippines.
  • What picture did you choose to show something that is a CHOSEN IDENTITY?
  • The picture that i choose for Chosen Identity is pizza, which is my favorite food.
  • Explain why these two images are different from one another.
  • These two images are different from one another because Assigned Identity are given to us at birth , and Chosen Identity is that you selected.