Assignment #3 – The Identity Shadow Box

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In Ethnic Studies class we studied different of identities like Race, Nationality, Ethnicity, Social Class, and Gender Identities. A dominant narrative is a story that people in a position of privilege tell about someone who is not. A counter narrative is a story or a perspective that people who are marginalized tell about themselves. I think that it is important to tell counter narratives about the many dominant narratives people say about my identity because I can’t just let people talk about my identity so I have to say something to them, so they can stop saying about dominant narratives about my identity.


The pictures that I placed on the outside of my shadow box are Nationality, the pictures that is in Nationality are in the Philippines people litter around, and these people help them to put it in the correct garbage, Gender , the pictures that is in Gender are this girl was saying to herself that she is not strong, and the quote says that girls are strong, and In Social Class the pictures are this person is just living in the streets, and the other picture is a person working every single day. A dominant narrative about my identity that is shown outside of the shadowbox is people litter and they put their trash in the streets. A counter narrative about my identity that is shown outside shadow box is people help them to put it on the correct trash, so they won’t litter no more. It might be important to me to respond to the dominant narrative that I described with a counter narrative because people might say something about you and you should respond to it.


What I placed inside the shadow box is rubik’s cube, jackstone, cross keychain, and family photos. The story behind a rubik’s cube is that I was watching videos about it and it seems interesting, so last year I got a prize which was a rubik’s cube. I started to search up how to solve a rubik’s cube, and I was thinking that is this impossible so solve?? For months and months I solved the 3×3 rubik’s cube. I was thinking to like challenge myself and remember all the steps and so I did that too! So right now I can solve the 3×3 and I can just solve it. The story behind jackstone is that I always play that when I was young and many Filipino people always play jackstone, so I play it too and it’s really a fun game to play! The persona artifacts or pictures on the inside of my shadow box reveal more about my identity than dominant narratives can because all of the artifacts are really important to me.



4 thoughts on “Assignment #3 – The Identity Shadow Box”

  1. Hi, My name is Marcelino Andalla i am Student at Fremont High School. One thing what i liked about your shadow box is what you put your personal picture and what you explain great about dominant narratives and counter. A question what a have – what narratives people say to you.

  2. Dear Miella

    I like how your shadow box include images of things that matter to you. You also did a good job on how you placed your objects it looked very neat.I also like how you talked about each objectand the meaning of them was very important to mention. I like how you talked about thing you grew up playing and how it helped push you to try even if you felt like it was hard to do. I like how you talked about some of the stereotypes people might have about females and the Philippines. I think that you did really good on your shadow box, keep up the good work.

  3. Hi, my name is Jaden and I am a student at Fremont High School. One thing I liked about your work is how you didn’t just let people talk about your race or ethnicity like that you stood up and had something to say. I noticed how you said that you like rubiks cubes but do you ever plan on solving a 4×4 one? Also I like how you included your family in the project and give us a little info about your past.

  4. hi, my name is maykeline and i am in mr. muniz’s 4 period class. My team is the hangry sharks. One thing I like about your project was that you put pictures of our nationality and you put pictures of your family, you talked about your race.

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